Search CONNECT-IT by STAKEHOLDER to see the inventory and service packages each is associated with or search by SERVICE PACKAGE to see the diagram and the stakeholders who identify themselves as having an existing or future need in that functional area. Note that service packages do not always have a one-to-one relationship with projects. In many cases, a project will be defined by multiple service packages. For example, an ICM project might include services packages from the traffic management, transit management, and safety categories. A full list of the service packages in the National ITS Architecture (ARC-IT) can be found here.
*CONNECT-IT follows the convention of the National Architecture (ARC-IT) to characterize each ITS service (also called service packages) as either OPERATE (meaning that it is an existing service) or PLANNED (meaning that there is a potential for future deployment; these are not necessarily programmed and can be at various levels of planning.)